
My GraphQL query looks like this:

    p1: property(someArgs: "some_value") {
        nestedField {
            moreNestedField {

On the server side, I'm using Apollo Server. I have a resolver for the property and other resolvers for nestedField and moreNestedField. I need to retrieve the value of someArgs on my nested resolvers. I tried to do this using the context available on the resolver:

property: (_, {someArgs}, ctx) => {
    ctx.someArgs = someArgs;

    // Do something

But this won't work as the context is shared among all resolvers, thus if I have multiple propertyon my query, the context value won't be good.

I also tried to use the path available on info on my nested resolvers. I'm able to go up to the property field but I don't have the arguments here...

I also tried to add some data on info but it's not shared on nested resolvers.

Adding arguments on all resolvers is not an option as it would make query very bloated and cumbersome to write, I don't want that.

Any thoughts?


you can try to assign param to returned value - it should be available by parent [and filtered out from response] in nested resolversxadm
Nailed it! It works like a charm with your solution. Feel free to write a proper answer to get the credit ;)Tdy

3 Answers


Params can be passed down to child resolvers using currently returned value. Additional data will be removed from response later.

I'll 'borow' Daniel's code, but without specific params - pass args down as reference (suitable/cleaner/more readable for more args):

function propertyResolver (parent, args) {
  const property = await getProperty()
  property.propertyArgs = args
  return property

// if this level args required in deeper resolvers
function nestedPropertyResolver (parent, args) {
  const nestedProperty = await getNestedProperty()
  nestedProperty.propertyArgs = parent.propertyArgs
  nestedProperty.nestedPropertyArgs = args
  return nestedProperty

function moreNestedPropertyResolver (parent) {
  // do something with parent.propertyArgs.someArgs

As Daniels stated this method has limited functionality. You can chain results and make something conditionally in child resolver. You'll have parent and filtered children ... not filtered parent using child condition (like in SQL ... WHERE ... AND ... AND ... on joined tables), this can be done in parent resolver.


Please check this answer here on how to pass the arguments: https://stackoverflow.com/a/63300135/11497165

To simplify it, you can define your field type with args:

In your Type Definition

type Query{
  getCar(color: String): Car
  ... other queries

type Car{
  door(color: String): Door // <-- added args
  id: ID
  previousOwner(offset: Int, limit: Int): Owner // <-- added args

then, in your client query (from apollo client or your gql query):

query getCar(carId:'123'){
  door(color:'grey') // <-- add variable
  previousOwner(offset: 3) // <-- added variable
  ... other queries

You should be able to access color in your child resolver arguments:

In your resolver:

   const color = args.color // <-- access your arguments here
   const offset = args.offset // <-- access your arguments here
   const limit = args.limit // <-- access your arguments here

For your example:

it will be like this

    p1: property(someArgs: "some_value") { // <-- added variable
        nestedField(someArgs: "some_value") { // <-- added variable
            moreNestedField(offset: 5) {

You can pass the value through the parent field like this:

function propertyResolver (parent, { someArgs }) {
  const property = await getProperty()
  property.someArgs = someArgs
  return property

function nestedPropertyResolver ({ someArgs }) {
  const nestedProperty = await getNestedProperty()
  nestedProperty.someArgs = someArgs
  return nestedProperty

function moreNestedPropertyResolver ({ someArgs }) {
  // do something with someArgs

Note that will this works, it may also point to an underlying issue with your schema design in the first place. Depending on how you're resolving these fields (getting them from a database, making requests to another API, etc.), it may be preferable to take a different approach altogether -- for example, by eager loading everything inside the root resolver. Without more context, though, it's hard to make any additional recommendations.