I would like to do case-control matching 1(1:N) in R.
For example, sex should be matched exactly.
On the other hand, age is matched with range +-5.
(e.g. if case's age=45, then I want to consider that the range of controls' age is 40 ~ 50.)
AS I know, MatchIt or matching package is for propensity score matching not for case-control.
Moreover, e1071 package does not support the function of range matching.
Please let me know how to do this.
Many thanks advance.
P.S. The example data can be used for matching with age and sex as below.
data <- na.omit(pbc)
case:1, control:0 in "status" variable
(As this data is originally for competing risk analysis, you can not consider "2" in "status" variable.)