I'm using kafka consumer group management for processing my messages.
The processing time for my messages vary from one another. So I have set the max poll interval to 20 min for max records of 20. And I'm using 5 partition and 5 consumer instances with default config values apart from the above two.
But still I'm getting the following error intermittently:
[Consumer clientId=consumer-3, groupId=amc_dashboard_analytics] Attempt to heartbeat failed since group is rebalancing
The understanding is that rebalancing won't occur unless poll is not called before max poll interval is reached as written in consumer config Docs. But for me rebalancing occurs before 20 minutes only.
Also after few hours of running, all the assigned consumers just leave saying "Attempt to heartbeat failed since group is rebalancing" and do not join back again(Ideally should join back again).
Am I missing something here? Any leads would be helpful.