
I want to capture full webpage screenshot in chrome browser using ruby selenium. I am using Rspec testing framework. save_screenshot method captures screenshot only for visible area. I have gone through the following link,

How to take a screenshot of a full browser page and its elements using selenium-webdriver/capybara in Ruby?

But I don't want to use window resizing or watir gem. Is there any other way or gem to achieve same.

not sure it helps you but IE driver is actually good for this. It'll take the whole page as screenshot.pcalkins
Thanks @Grzegorz, I will check this out.Tapas Mahato
@TapasMahato you can use gem for save screenshot - github.com/mattheworiordan/…, where you can change preferences for size screenshot.Vitalii

1 Answers


1) You can use https://github.com/samnissen/watir-screenshot-stitch where

  • Directly employing geckodriver's new full page screenshot functionality (only on Firefox).
  • Screenshot stitching, paging down a given URL by the size of the viewport, capturing screenshots and adjoining them.
  • Employing a bundled html2canvas script against the page to generate a png from a canvas element.

2) or use native instrument for your OS - https://paulhammond.org/webkit2png
In code will look like this
webkit2png https://stackguides.com/questions/60728482/can-anyone-suggest-how-to-take-screenshot-of-full-webpage-using-ruby-selenium

- main command - webkit2png
- link page - all else