Hi all We are developing a web service that will be available through SOAP and REST (xml and JSon). Our specflow features are mostly the same, i.e:
Scenario: There are at least 3 radio Channels
Given The test server is up and running
And The previously obtained channel list is reset
When I request a list of radio channels
Then the resulting deliveryPackage contains a list of at least 3 items
All of these features need to be tested for the SOAP interface, for the REST/Xml interface, and for the REST/JSon interface.
In cucumber, it is possible to run the features using -R to dictate where the steps files are located, however in SpecFlow, I have not yet found a way around the steps files, so that I can have the same feature run different steps.
I would rather not have to write each scenario 3 times in order to change which step implementation to use.
So, two questions: 1) How do I run a feature 3 times for 3 different interfaces that expect the exact same scenarios? 2) How do I choose the correct step file each time?
Solving (1) will probably solve (2).