I have a very heavy (computationally) functional component (Parent) which doesn't have a state and has few Child sub-components with local state. Children are dependent only on props send from the Parent.
I pass a function to one of the children (ChildA) to change the value of a variable on the Parent.
This variable is one of the props of a different Child component (ChildB) which has a state based on that prop and updates it in useEffect hook.
The ChildB component does not re-render when the value passed as prop changes on the Parent component.
Sure, introducing state (useState hook) on Parent fixes this but re-renders the parent over and over and kills the performance as Parent has 500+ nested components which all get re-rendered.
Introducing some kind of a Store (Redux, MobX) would probably solve the issue but that would be an overkill.
A simplified example:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
export default function App() {
return <Parent />
const ChildA = ({ onAction }) => {
return <button onClick={onAction}>CLICK</button>;
const ChildB = ({ coreValue }) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
}, [coreValue]);
return <div>My value: {value}</div>;
const Parent = () => {
let calculatedValue = 0;
const changeValue = () => {
calculatedValue += Math.random();
return (
<ChildA onAction={changeValue} />
<ChildB coreValue={calculatedValue} />
You can test the code here: https://codesandbox.io/s/vigilant-wave-r27rg
How do I re-render only ChildB on props change?