
I have a NodeMCU dev board based on the ESP 12E chipset that does not want to flash. I've tried with both NodeMCU-PyFlasher-4.0 and exptool.py v2.7.

Here's the output from NodeMCU when attempting to flash a firmware:

Command: esptool.py --port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART --baud 115200 --after no_reset write_flash --flash_mode dout 0x00000 /Volumes/Users/troy/Downloads/tasmota.bin --erase-all

esptool.py v2.6
Serial port /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART

Connecting to the serial port using screen /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200 and resetting the device gives the following:

�#�p~�o�lNo���cp��l{l{lp�o��$��co�|l����#�|~�o�l��$`�2oN$`Ns���o��l r��n���l �N�

Connecting to HW-BELTLINE-01

The . continue on for ever.

The same results occur when using a discrete FTDI USB to UART device connected to the relevant TX/RX headers and powering the board via headers as well (so, taking the USB to UART chip out of the equation).

Video of flashing attempt and serial console output: https://youtu.be/83wZuDMUBXc

Any suggestions on how to get some firmware onto this device, or is it DOA with something not connected properly?

The gibberish you see is the output of the bootloader which communicates at 74880 baud. So, you will either see legible bootloader output or "app" output at 115200.Marcel Stör
Since I'm getting something legible at 115200 I'm guessing the default/normal NodeMCU firmware isn't on this device, as esptool can't connect to it. It seems the device is waiting for something different (ie: not esptool) to provide some inputTroy
I dont have the specific board, but I have some NodeMCU clones where I have to short a pin with GND and resetting then before the esptool.py starts to flash.If I forget to do this I see also Connecting........_____....._____....._____.....__ . Seems some boardmakers implemented this kind of write protection. In one case I only found a chinese doc which I had to translate to get the right pin. If you already have boards of this exact make/layout/revision that flash try esptool ResetMethod = dtr (aka nodemcu) and upload resetmethod = --before default_reset --after hard_resetCodebreaker007

1 Answers


Default firmware tries to connect to the HW-BELTLINE-01 ssid wlan, open or protected with HKHK123HW password. If it succeeds, you can call /gpio/0 or /gpio/1 to test your device.