I am trying to load csv file from S3 path. Am facing the below errors
1) Uncaught Error : Numeric value is not recognized. This error is due to NULL value trying to load as a string in numeric column. I found solution for this and implemented below:
create or replace file format test
type = 'CSV'
skip_header = 1 FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY = '"'
Note : It's worked fine. Able to store the source data (NULL)
2) Uncaught Error : NULL result in a non-nullable column We have empty string in the source column which is a not null column. While loading the empty string to snowflake, it's converting to NULL and trying to load, since it's a not null column in snowflake it's throwing error. For this I have tried the below approach, which needs to handle both NULL and empty string.
create or replace file format test
type = 'CSV'
skip_header = 1 FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY = '"'
But this approach is not working,it's working for NULL not working for empty string.
Please let me know how to handle both the empty string and NULL values in snowflake.