In R, I have character objects that contain LaTeX macro definitions. The challenge is to use these objects in R Markdown documents, so that the macro definitions are rendered correctly when the .Rmd files are converted to LaTeX (and then to PDF). It is a challenge because Pandoc (v2.9.1 and 2.9.2) fails to render some macro-generating code correctly, even when that code is valid LaTeX.
Here is a minimal example. First, consider this Rmd file:
title: "Rendering LaTeX Macros from R Objects"
keep_md: true
keep_tex: true
withoutBraces <- "\\newcommand\\withoutBraces{This is a sentence.}"
withBraces <- "\\newcommand{withBraces}{This is a sentence.}"
```{r, results = "asis"}
Knitting this .Rmd file from RStudio produces a .tex file that includes the following output:
\newcommand\withoutBraces{This is a sentence.}
\textbackslash newcommand\{withBraces\}\{This is a sentence.\}
In other words, the \withoutBraces
command is rendered correctly in the .tex
document, but the \withBraces
command is not. Inspection
reveals that the rmarkdown::render()
part of the knitting process is fine, in
the sense that it produces an unproblematic .md file. The problem lies with
pandoc: when it converts the .md file to a .tex file, the \withBraces
command doesn't render correctly.
If I were writing .md files instead of .Rmd files, I could use "generic raw
attributes" in my code chunks to get the \withoutBraces
macro definition to
render correctly, as in this example from
@mb21. But I don't see a way to
do that when working with R Markdown files. Is there anything that I can do
to get the \withoutBraces
definition to render correctly when I am knitting
an .Rmd file to LaTeX and PDF?