I have multiple wxs files that are generated by heat.exe. Each file has a root element Wix, two children Fragment, and each of the Fragment elements have a DirectoryRef and ComponentGroup element respectively. Sample is hereunder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<DirectoryRef Id="ANEXMCM">
<Component Id="cmp06C5225B7EE36AAEA9ADB0AF882F1053" Guid="2924A2A0-D7A2-407E-B9B8-B40AAE1204ED">
<File Id="filABF39DC4BC6ED4474A2C2DB1C1681980" KeyPath="yes" Source="SourceDir\content.txt" />
<ComponentGroup Id="ANEXMCM_CID">
<ComponentRef Id="cmp06C5225B7EE36AAEA9ADB0AF882F1053" />
I included the files to the main WIX file as <?include wixfile.wxs?> . When I tried to build my project ( I tried on both Visual Studio and SharpDevelop, I even tried the command line), the error I get is "The document element name 'Wix' is invalid. A Windows Installer XML include file must use 'Include' as the document element name. (CNDL0048) - C:\WorkingDir\anexmcmsetup.wxs:2". I don't how to get this error fixed. I appreciate your immediate help. Thanks!