

I am searching the location of a point that lies on a plane. The relative location on the plane is given in u/v-Coordinates. The normal vector n is equal to the vector from (0,0,0) to the center of the plane (or any other distance ≠ 0, if more convenient)

The plane has no rotation around the n vector - u is always on the xy axis and v on the z (up) axis

I feel like there should be a simple formula for this, given Vector3 n along with the coordinates u and v, but i'm stuck here.

Since the plane can rotate about n without changing the u,v coordinates of the point, there is not enough information to locate the point in space.Beta
Right, that wouldn't work. The plane is always oriented like in the picture, with u on the horizontal plane and v on the vertical axis (edited in the question)Ismir Egal
What are your inputs and expected outputs? What about edge cases where the normal vector itself lies in one or both of the planes that u and v are supposed to lie in?kaya3
The inputs are u and v as double and n as as a vector3 (double). u and v lie in the plane constructed by the vector n and are thus always perpendicular towards it.Ismir Egal

1 Answers


You have the coordinates of the origin of the plane, namely (x, y, z)

Now we need the unit vectors u and v in global coordinates.

u is (y, -x, 0), normalized.

v is (-zx/r, -zy/r, r), normalized, where r=(x2+y2)1/2

Now you can add the location of the point in uv coordinates to the location of the plane origin in xyz coordinates.