Printing out some of the state:
sum(J, K, N) :- sum_iter(J, K, N, J, 0).
% the rule at the end of the recursion
sum_iter(J, K, N, I, S) :-
format("rule 1: J=~w K=~w N=~w I=~w S=~w\n", [J, K, N, I, S]),
Kn is K+1,
I = Kn,
format("...pos 1 passed\n"),
N = S,
format("...pos 2 passed\n"),
% the rule perfoming the recursion
sum_iter(J, K, N, I, S) :-
format("rule 2: J=~w K=~w N=~w I=~w S=~w\n", [J, K, N, I, S]),
I =< K,
format("...pos 3 passed\n"),
NewI is I+1,
NewS is S+I,
sum_iter(J, K, N, NewI, NewS).
?- sum(1,3,What).
rule 1: J=1 K=3 N=_11338 I=1 S=0
rule 2: J=1 K=3 N=_11338 I=1 S=0
...pos 3 passed
rule 1: J=1 K=3 N=_11338 I=2 S=1
rule 2: J=1 K=3 N=_11338 I=2 S=1
...pos 3 passed
rule 1: J=1 K=3 N=_11338 I=3 S=3
rule 2: J=1 K=3 N=_11338 I=3 S=3
...pos 3 passed
rule 1: J=1 K=3 N=_11338 I=4 S=6
...pos 1 passed
...pos 2 passed
What = 6.
At the end, the I = Kn
becomes a test: both I
and Kn
set to actual values, with I
one "past the end".
You could do this, using an I > K
sum_iter(_, K, Res, I, Res) :- I > K,!.
But what you also want to do this:
- Call the recursive rule by default, if it is applicable.
- If it is not, call the "end of recursion rule".
So a rearrangement is best:
sum(J, K, N) :- sum_iter(J, K, N, J, 0).
% the rule perfoming the recursion, with a guard "I =< K", which, once
% successful, commits the computation to this one rule, so we add "!"
sum_iter(J, K, N, I, S) :-
format("rule 2: J=~w K=~w N=~w I=~w S=~w\n", [J, K, N, I, S]),
I =< K,!,
format("...pos 3 passed\n"),
NewI is I+1,
NewS is S+I,
sum_iter(J, K, N, NewI, NewS).
% the rule at the end of the recursion, also with guard:
sum_iter(J, K, Res, I, Res) :-
format("end: J=~w K=~w I=~w Res=~w\n", [J, K, I, Res]),
I > K,!.
Actually, there is no need for the "cut" in the second
rule, because it is the last rule. There is no need for the
guard in this case either, it is just the negation of the guard in
the first rule. But let's leave both for clarity.
?- sum(1,3,What).
rule 2: J=1 K=3 N=_15630 I=1 S=0
...pos 3 passed
rule 2: J=1 K=3 N=_15630 I=2 S=1
...pos 3 passed
rule 2: J=1 K=3 N=_15630 I=3 S=3
...pos 3 passed
rule 2: J=1 K=3 N=_15630 I=4 S=6
end: J=1 K=3 I=4 Res=6
What = 6.
is not the second clause of this predicate. Note that you made two predicatessum
. – Willem Van Onsem