
Today i got a requirement, where i have to create a common module to expose the version of the application without changing anything in parent application

Common module groupId : com.mhn.version, artifactId: version-endpoint packaging: jar VersionController.java - where i will expose a REST Service "/version" as GET method which returns the details

In any spring boot application if i add this jar (module) as a dependency, then without changing anything in parent application it should fetch the application artifactId and version. Here in this case 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT

For example if i add this as dependency in spring-boot-sample-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war application as mentioned in pom.xml below



Then spring-boot-sample-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT has to expose a service "/version". and by hitting that endpoint it should return maven project.artifactId and project.version details

In this example

"artifactId" : "spring-boot-sample"
"version" : "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Guide me, if we have any third party jars, if not guide me on how to do this.

Make this as a note, we are not going to do any changes in parent application

Hi, welcome to Stack Overflow! Your question's title is not clear. Please leave out things like "I have a requirement" - we are here to help with specific and clearly-stated technical questions. You seem to be asking "How do I read Maven artifact information from within a Spring Boot application and present it via a RESTful web service?"Gabriel Bauman

1 Answers


Spring Boot actuators will do this for you with some project configuration as shown in the documentation. Modifying the build configuration to look something like this:




Will enable a response from the /actuator/info endpoint that might look like this:

    "build": {
        "artifact": "spring-boot-sample",
        "group": "com.parent.app",
        "name": "spring-boot-sample",
        "time": "2020-03-06T16:29:01.200Z",
        "version": "1.0.1-SNAPSHOT"

If, for some reason, you can't use Boot actuators, you could read the content written by spring-boot-maven-plugin's build-info goal in your own library code by accessing the file as a resource with classpath:META-INF/build-info.properties.