I'm having troubles understanding why my Azure Key Vault is not showing secrets (that were created automatically by importing certificates) in the portal.
However, using the command line I can get them (redacted):
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\.NET SDK\v2.9>az keyvault secret list --vault-name <my vault>
"attributes": {
"created": "2020-03-05T14:48:37+00:00",
"enabled": true,
"expires": "2021-01-28T19:23:00+00:00",
"notBefore": "2018-01-29T19:23:00+00:00",
"recoveryLevel": "CustomizedRecoverable+Purgeable",
"updated": "2020-03-05T14:48:37+00:00"
"contentType": "application/x-pkcs12",
"id": "https://<my vault>.vault.azure.net/secrets/SomeSecret",
"managed": true,
"tags": null
"attributes": {
"created": "2020-03-06T13:10:32+00:00",
"enabled": true,
"expires": "2021-01-28T19:23:00+00:00",
"notBefore": "2018-01-29T19:23:00+00:00",
"recoveryLevel": "CustomizedRecoverable+Purgeable",
"updated": "2020-03-06T13:10:32+00:00"
"contentType": "application/x-pkcs12",
"id": "https://<my vault>.vault.azure.net/secrets/SomeSecret2",
"managed": true,
"tags": null
I've also authenticated my web application, and I'm able to get this secret and use it without problems from it (using Azure Identity, Azure.KeyVault.Certificates and Azure.KeyVault.Secrets).
Why are my secrets not showing in the Azure Portal? Is this because they were added automagically by importing a certificate? What happens if I delete a certificate?