I am trying to trigger a job present in jenkins hosted in openshift platform. I am trying to trigger the job through command line.
I tried the below:
curl -x post -u username:password https://myjenkins.com/job/myjob/build?delay=0sec
and this resulted in
Invalid password/token for user:
I tried to use create a token in jenkins and supplied that too and no luck.
I removed the user id and password from my curl command and that resulted in the error message No valid crumb was included in the request
I then tried to do a wget to get a crumb. The command runs but does not return anything
./wget -q --auth-no-challenge --user username --password password --output-document - 'https://myjenkins/crumbIssuer/api/json'
- 'Options Enable proxy compatibility' and the 'Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits' are checked in jenkins security configuration
Any help much appreciated.