I am currently trying to display a bar chart using a flot js with the stack plugin. The data is however not stacking properly and it also overlaps. The dataset is quite large and uses linux time stamp to match an array of time.
I have included both code and a js fiddle.
Here is my code:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var $dataMonths = [
[1535752800, 'Sep (2018)'],
[1538344800, 'Okt (2018)'],
[1541026800, 'Nov (2018)'],
[1543618800, 'Dec (2018)'],
[1546297200, 'Jan (2019)'],
[1548975600, 'Feb (2019)'],
[1551394800, 'Mars (2019)'],
[1554069600, 'Apr (2019)'],
[1556661600, 'Maj (2019)'],
[1559340000, 'Jun (2019)'],
[1561932000, 'Jul (2019)'],
[1564610400, 'Aug (2019)'],
[1567288800, 'Sep (2019)'],
[1569880800, 'Okt (2019)'],
/** BAR CHART */
var dataset = [{
label: "id8",
data: [
[1569880800, 210]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id3",
data: [
[1569880800, 800]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id4",
data: [
[1569880800, 800]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id16",
data: [
[1569880800, 300],
[1575154800, 300]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id12",
data: [
[1569880800, 1834],
[1572562800, 185],
[1575154800, 75]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id9",
data: [
[1569880800, 150],
[1572562800, 450],
[1575154800, 900],
[1577833200, 750]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id5",
data: [
[1569880800, 400],
[1577833200, 300]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id17",
data: [
[1572562800, 300]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id13",
data: [
[1572562800, 300],
[1575154800, 300]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id15",
data: [
[1572562800, 350],
[1575154800, 1550]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id7",
data: [
[1572562800, 338]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id11",
data: [
[1572562800, 235]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id10/",
data: [
[1572562800, 150]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id14",
data: [
[1572562800, 1450],
[1575154800, 1200]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id2",
data: [
[1575154800, 600]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id6",
data: [
[1575154800, 300]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id18",
data: [
[1575154800, 300],
[1577833200, 300]
stack: true
}, {
label: "id1",
data: [
[1575154800, 300],
[1577833200, 1200]
stack: true
}, {
label: "null",
data: [
[1577833200, 950],
[1580511600, 4905],
[1583017200, 1350]
stack: true
var linkTotalEearnings = [];
linkTotalEearnings["null"] = "7205";
linkTotalEearnings["id1"] = "1500";
linkTotalEearnings["id2"] = "600";
linkTotalEearnings["id3"] = "800";
linkTotalEearnings["id4"] = "800";
linkTotalEearnings["id5"] = "700";
linkTotalEearnings["id6"] = "300";
linkTotalEearnings["id7"] = "338";
linkTotalEearnings["id8"] = "210";
linkTotalEearnings["id9"] = "2250";
linkTotalEearnings["id10/"] = "150";
linkTotalEearnings["id11"] = "235";
linkTotalEearnings["id12"] = "2094";
linkTotalEearnings["id13"] = "600";
linkTotalEearnings["id14"] = "2650";
linkTotalEearnings["id15"] = "1900";
linkTotalEearnings["id16"] = "600";
linkTotalEearnings["id17"] = "300";
linkTotalEearnings["id18"] = "600";
var $barChart = jQuery("#link-url-sales-graph");
$.plot($barChart, dataset, {
series: {
bars: {
show: true,
align: "center",
barWidth: 1000000,
lineWidth: 0,
xaxis: {
//mode: "categories",
showTicks: true,
gridLines: false,
ticks: $dataMonths,
tickLength: 1,
grid: {
hoverable: true,
borderWidth: 0,
yaxis: {
allowDecimals: false,
gridLines: false,
tickColor: '#f5f5f5'
legend: {
show: true,
container: jQuery("#link-url-sales-legend-container"),
labelFormatter: function(label, series) {
// series is the series object for the label
return '<span>' + label + ' (<strong>' + linkTotalEearnings[label] + ' units</strong>)</span>';
sorted: function(a, b) {
var aVal = parseInt(a.label.substring(
a.label.lastIndexOf("(<strong>") + 9,
a.label.lastIndexOf(" units</strong>)")
var bVal = parseInt(b.label.substring(
b.label.lastIndexOf("(<strong>") + 9,
b.label.lastIndexOf(" units</strong>)")
return aVal == bVal ? 0 : (
aVal > bVal ? -1 : 1
noColumns: 1,
backgroundOpacity: 0
var previousPoint = null,
ttlabel = null;
$barChart.bind('plothover', function(event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (previousPoint !== item.dataIndex) {
previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
var x = item.datapoint[0],
y = item.datapoint[1];
var label = item.series != '' ? item.series.label : '';
var amount = item.datapoint[1] - item.datapoint[2];
jQuery('<div class="js-flot-tooltip flot-tooltip">' + label + ' (' + amount + ' units)</div>')
top: item.pageY - 45,
left: item.pageX + 5
} else {
previousPoint = null;
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flot/0.8.3/jquery.flot.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flot/0.8.3/jquery.flot.stack.min.js"></script>
<div id="link-url-sales-graph" style="height: 500px;"></div>
<div id="link-url-sales-legend-container" class="mt-2"></div>
Here is my jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/ethor/dgp618kb/5/