in the example of this post
bits per sample is 0010 or 16 (in DEC) but why each sample contains 4 bytes ? 4 X 8 = 32 bits !?
in the example of this post
bits per sample is 0010 or 16 (in DEC) but why each sample contains 4 bytes ? 4 X 8 = 32 bits !?
Each of those "samples" labeled on the bottom line of your diagram is actually 2 samples - i.e. each circled pair of 2 bytes is a sample - The diagram is wrong.
If it's a stereo file, the samples will be in pairs (one for left, one for right) - that group is usually called a "frame". The sample channels are interleaved in the file e.g. LRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLR