
I'm struggling with a problem I'm not able too solve. I've spent a lot of hourse in codex documentation without any luck. I've created a custom post type called "Products". Products will be available in many language. Products permalink is something like: mysite.com/products/product-name What I need instead is something like this: mysite.com/language/products/product-name. What I need to create the permalink? Have I to add some fancy rule with WP_Rewrite? Is it possibile to have custom post type as page child's? I don't really need custom taxonomy so if you know a better solution fell free to write. Thanks for any suggestion.


1 Answers


You need a plugin for wordpress to gracefully handle multiple languages.

I suggest you check out wpml.org

For how the Wordpress Multilingual plugin works with custom posts types, check out their informative blog post.