
As of yesterday, it appears that the Onenote /pages endpoint is not working properly for my account. The data returned for the first two pages is recent, however all other pages and their respective HTML content links are last updated as of Feb 28th 2020. Additionally, some of the pages showing up as "last edited" on Feb 28th 2020 are pages that I know for a fact have not been edited for months (place holders, old projects, etc.)

I have described a similar problem before: here and here. Such a problem was also described by another recently. Upon resolution of those issues, Manjusha stated that it was because of a "bad machine cluster causing jobs to get stuck" and therefore delaying updates. While this suffices to explain the delay, the inaccurate edit dates on page does not seem to be accounted for.

Any updates on the issue or insight into what is happening would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE Mar. 5th 2020: Using the graph explorer, I can see that the pages endpoint is returning the same out-date response again and again. Basically, it is frozen in that state from what I can see.


2 Answers


I'm sorry to say this, especially at such a stressful time. However, the reliability of the pages endpoint has been up in the air for months. Working sometimes, not working at others. Personally, this has forced me to rebuild my personal programs so they do not rely on OneNote and reconsider using OneNote in professional settings where new pages are being made regularly. The sum total of this has been to cease development and usage of the OneNote API. Just a bit of feedback. I know your team works hard and these issues are complex - I hope this clears up for you soon.


Can you send the request-id header from the response and your request timestamp? Thanks!