
Somenone knows why I get this message when I'm debugging an attached ASP.NET 2.0 application ?

An unhandled exception was raised from Microsoft .NET Framework v1.0, 1.1, or 2.0, but the current debugger is configured to debug Microsoft .NET Framework v4.0 code. Examine the exception using the SOS tool.

I have .NET 4.0 installed, the application are running in a a IIS7.


2 Answers


Assuming that you are using visual studio 2010

When attaching to the process for debugging you should select the type of code:

The default is managed (v4.0) code

Other options are:

  • Managed (v2.0, v1.1, v1.0)
  • Native
  • Script
  • SilverLight
  • T-SQL
  • workflow

When you've attached to your debugger, you need to check the right framework version. For example, click Debug -> Attach to Process and it will bring up the Attach to Process window. It should have a Select button to select the type of code to debug. Select the Managed (v2.0, v1.1, v1.0) code option and then attach to the process you want to debug.