
I am new to Camel and am learning as I go. There seem to be lots of possible ways to exchange information between some framework (e.g. Spring Boot) and Camel. I'm having a hard time figuring out how (or even if) to do this from Spring Boot properties. By this I mean application.properties or application.yml.

The following SO item (Spring Boot properties usage in Apache Camel route) asks a very similar question, but the answers don't seem to work. I'll admit I don't really understand the last answer provided.

So what am I trying to do? Since I'm still very new at Camel, I'm doing something really basic and simple. I have a very small Spring Boot application that uses Camel to simply copy a file from one location to another.

Here's my route:


public class CopyFileRoute extends RouteBuilder {

  public void configure() throws Exception {



  source-path: demo/copyFrom
  dest-path: demo/copyTo
  file-name: test.txt

I've read about property substitution (or placeholders) in the Camel user guide (https://camel.apache.org/manual/latest/using-propertyplaceholder.html and https://camel.apache.org/components/latest/properties-component.html), but cannot get it to work. Granted, the examples in the user guide are in XML configuration, where I'm doing it in Java configuration. Does this not work in Java code?

BTW, I tried to incorporate the Camel property "bridge" (BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer), but that doesn't work either. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to utilize it.


I tried the following with the "bridge", but alas, that also does not work:

public class Configurer {

  public CamelContext camelContext() {
    return new DefaultCamelContext();

  public BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer bridgePropertyPlaceholder() {
    BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer bridge = new BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer();
    bridge.setLocation(new ClassPathResource("application.properties"));
    return bridge;

Is properties.source-path the name in application.properties?Simon Martinelli
No, it is defined in application.yml. I tried a quick test, where I placed the same properties in application.properties, but that didn't work either.Joseph Gagnon

1 Answers


With Java DSL you can do this

for Camel version 2.x.x

    protected CamelContext createCamelContext() throws Exception {
        CamelContext context = super.createCamelContext();
        context.addComponent("properties", new PropertiesComponent("file:C:\\Your\\path\\application.properties"));
        return context;

or for version 3.x.x

    protected CamelContext createCamelContext() throws Exception {
        CamelContext context = super.createCamelContext();
        PropertiesComponent pc = context.getPropertiesComponent();
        return context;