I use easy-php devserver 17 on Windows 10 x64 without any problem if I click with the mouse on the "run-devserver.exe" file.
But in my new project, I want to run easy-php from my Delphi program (RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin).
I use this code:
ShellExecute(Handle, 'runas', 'c:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-Devserver-17\run-devserver.exe', nil, nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
I get this error (I think it created with MadExcept 3.0):
Aestan Try menu: An error has occurred in Aestan Try Menu.
This error gives me some options, like the bug report, restart the application, close application!
I used some tips in another post like these:
WAMP Server V 2.5 icon is orange,does not respond and no menu
ShellExecute Command doesn't work properly in win10
but they didn't solve my problem.
since it can't report errors properly. UseShellExecuteEx
. – David Heffernan