
I'm trying to extended an existing report from a vendor module, inserting the amount converted to text, so I started from scratch creating the module for my report:

This is my report_file.py

from openerp import api, models
from num2words import num2words

class ReportReceiptReprint(models.AbstractModel):
    _name = 'report.aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint'

def _numwords(val):
    pretext = val
    text = ''
    entire_part = int((str(pretext).split('.'))[0])
    decimal_part = int((str(pretext).split('.'))[1])  
    text+=num2words(entire_part, lang='es').upper()
    text+=' CON '
    text+=num2words(decimal_part, lang='es').upper()
    if decimal_num > 1:
        text+= ' CENTAVOS '
        text+= ' CENTAVO '
    return text

def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
    report = self.env['report']._get_report_from_name('aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint')
    docargs = {
        'doc_ids': docids,
        'doc_model': report.model,
        'docs': self,
        'num_words': _numwords,
    return self.env['report'].render('aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint', docargs)

And my report_file.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <template id="report_receipt_reprint_inherit" inherit_id="aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint">
     <xpath expr="//div[@class='numbers_text']" position="replace">
        <div style="font-size: 14px; width: 100%">
          <b>Son: <span t-esc="num_words(receipt.amount_total)"/></b>

but I just get this:

Error to render compiling AST
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Template: 1130
Path: /templates/t/t/div[2]/div[9]/div[1]/b/span
Node: <span t-esc="num_words(receipt.amount_total)"/>

This happen even if I put the function _numwords() into the models.py file of the main module. The extend for the module works if I avoid to call the function, the text is inserted as expected. num2words is installed.

I'll appreciate any comment or suggestion! Thanks in advance.



from odoo import api, models
from num2words import num2words

class ReportReceiptReprint(models.AbstractModel):
      _name = 'report.aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint'

def _numwords(self, val):
    pretext = float(val)
    text = ''
    entire_part = int((str(pretext).split('.'))[0])
    decimal_part = (pretext-float(entire_part))*100
    decimal_part = int((str(decimal_part).split('.'))[0])
    text += num2words(entire_part, lang='es').upper()
    text += ' LEMPIRAS CON '
    text += num2words(decimal_part, lang='es').upper()
    if decimal_part > 1:
        text += ' CENTAVOS '
        text += ' CENTAVO '
    return text

def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
    # report = self.env['report']._get_report_from_name('aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint')
    docargs = {
        'doc_ids': docids,
        'doc_model': self.env.context.get('active_model'),
        'docs': self.env['pos.order'].browse(int(docids)),
        'num_words': self._numbwords,
    return self.env['report'].render('aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint', docargs)

I don't know why the commented line "# report =" was causing a lot of problems.

Maybe self.numwords also try with braces and paramMuhammad Yusuf
I appreciate your comment @MuhammadYusuf , but I changed the code like this: ` 'num_words': self._numwords(val), ` but still getting the same message.RauLeo88

2 Answers


On your python file just change the function calling to,

'num_words': self._numwords(data['form']['amount_total']), & def _numwords(self, val)

Where make sure to check that your passed value of amount_total gets from your data and that value you have to pass on the _numwords function. And on the XML file t-esc="num_words" try to access the value like this.


def _numbwords(self, val)....

def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
# report = self.env['report']._get_report_from_name('aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint')
# This line caused problems so commented out
docargs = {
    'doc_ids': docids,
    'doc_model': self.env.context.get('active_model'),
    'docs': self.env['pos.order'].browse(int(docids)), # have to include the model and methods to index the documents
    'num_words': self._numbwords,
return self.env['report'].render('aces_pos_reorder.receipt_reprint', docargs)

That's all