
I first started this with VBA, and I have been advised to use PowerBI. However, I do not really no if my issue can be solved through powerBI.

I have a file which will be send on a recurring basis, with specific information which need to be grouped. I am trying to create a VBA macro to automate the file prepareation and make it suitable for import in another tool.

I have about 40 colomns, but sometimes less. The place of columns sometimes change, I thus cannot refer to column place (A, B, C...) I have to look for the column name.

Also, I have to look for some specific column. If these columns have data, I need to add specific element for each cases to the previously concatenated columns.

I am providing sample code below

Here is a dummy data description:

|Client| ID | Info Superman | Info Product type | Spec 1 | Spec 2 | Spec a | Spec b | Info costumer type | Info facility type | Geography |

When neither "spec 1", "spec 2", "Spec a" or "Spec b" have values I need to group data in the following way (including headers): "Client"+"Superman"+Bravo+"Info costumer type"+Info facility type" i.e ClientSpermanBravoInfo

If there is a value for Spec 1 or 2 : "Client""Superman"AlphaBravo"Info costumer type"Info facility type"

If there is a value for Spec 1 or 2 and Spec a and b: "Client""Superman"AlphaAlphaBravo"Info costumer type"Info facility type".

So far, I have the following VBA code, but using PowerBI would provide a simpler and more elegant solution. I have been looking at resources close to that one for example : https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-april-update-feature-summary/ in order to query data in specific way, and create columns based on specific conditions, but the I cannot find the solution.

Dim data

        data = .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).Value
    End With

    Dim result As Dictionary
    Set result = New Dictionary
    Dim i
    For i = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
        Select Case True
            Case _
                data(i, headers("Costumer")) = "" Or _
                data(i, headers("Zone ")) = "" Or _
                    MsgBox "Empty row"
                    Exit For
            Case _
                data(i, headers("Spec A")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec B")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec_C ")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec_D ")) = ""
                    result(result.Count) = _
                        q & "Costumer" & data(i, headers("Costumer”)) & _
                        q & "Alpha" & _
                        q & "Zone" & data(i, headers("Zone")) & _
            Case _
                data(i, headers("Spec_1")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec_2")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec_3")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec_4")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec_5")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec_6")) = "" And _
                data(i, headers("Spec_7")) = ""
                    result(result.Count) = _
                        q & "Costumer" & data(i, headers("Costumer")) & _
                        q & "Alphabet" & _
                        q & "Zone" & data(i, headers("Zone")) & _
            Case Else
                    result(result.Count) = _
                        q & " Costumer" & data(i, headers("Costumer ")) & 
                        q & "AlphabetAlpha" & _ 
                        q & " Zone " & data(i, headers("Zone")) & _
        End Select

    ' output result data to sheet 2
    If result.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No result data for output"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2)
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(result.Count).Value = _
    End With
    MsgBox "Completed"

Sub TralaNome()

    Const q = """"

    ' get source data table from sheet 1
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion

   ' check if data exists
        If .Rows.Count < 2 Or .Columns.Count < 2 Then
            MsgBox "No data table"
            Exit Sub
        End If

   ' retrieve headers name and column numbers dictionary
        Dim headers As Dictionary
        Set headers = New Dictionary
        Dim headCell
        For Each headCell In .Rows(1).Cells
            headers(headCell.Value) = headers.Count + 1

   ' check mandatory headers

        For Each headCell In Array(("Costumer", "ID", "Zone“,  "Product Quali", "Spec A", "Spec B", "Spec_C", "Spec_D", "Spec_1",  " Spec_2", " Spec_3", " Spec_4", " Spec_5", " Spec_6", " Spec_7", "Chiavetta", "Tipo_di _prodotto",  "Unicorno_Cioccolato", “cacao tree“)
            If Not headers.Exists(headCell) Then
                MsgBox "Header '" & headCell & "' doesn't exists"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        Dim data

 ' retrieve table data
        data = .Resize(.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).Value
    End With

   ' process each row in table data
    Dim result As Dictionary
    Set result = New Dictionary
    Dim i
    For i = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
                    MsgBox "Empty row"
                    Exit For
                    result(result.Count) = _
                        q & "ID " & data(i, headers("ID ")) & _
                        q & " Tipo_di _prodotto " & data(i, headers("Tipo_di _prodotto")) & _
                        q & " Unicorno_Cioccolato " & data(i, headers("Unicorno_Cioccolato")) & _
                        q & " cacao tree " & data(i, headers("cacao tree "))&_qEnd Select


    ' output result data to sheet 2
    If result.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No result data for output"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2)
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(result.Count).Value = _
    End With
    MsgBox "Completed"

     End Sub

   Sub NewColumnNames()

   Dim OrignialColumnNames As String
   Dim a As Integer
   Dim NewColumnNames As Integer

   Spec A = Amber A 
  Spec_B = Amber B
  Spec_C = Amber C
  Spec_D = Amber D
  Spec_1 = Zio_1
  Spec_2 = Zio_2
  Spec_3 = Zio_3
  Spec_4 = Zio_4
  Spec_5  = Zio_5
  Spec_6 = Zio_6
  Spec_7 = Zio_7
  Noup_Start = Mip_F
  Noup_End = Nip_D
  Snouba = Snup_N
  SnipChocolat = Choco_F

    End Sub

1 Answers


If you can use a PowerQuery instead of PowerBI answer, if the data was loaded into powerquery (Data .... From Table/Rage ... [x] my table has headers) then adding a simple custom column would probably do it.

Add Column ... Custom Column ... with formula similar to below; it combines columns using the & character based on the values of other columns in that row, regardless of where those columns appear or how many columns there are

= if [Spec 1]=null and [Spec 2]=null then [Client]&" "&[ID]&" "&[Info Superman] else
if [Spec 1]<>null and [Spec 2]<>null then [Info Product type]&" "&[Info Superman] else

You could then use Transform ... Group By ... to group on that column, and save back to the workbook with File... Close and Load...