The azure docs describing the integration of API Management with Application Gateway in a VNet ( consists of quite complex steps that are not so intuitive.
Is there any intuitive way most probably via Azure portal to integrate the above 2 components ? The same issue is also posted on feedback docs.
I set up the application gateway as follows with the settings:
Listener settings:
The IP Address is the private IP of the API Management in the same Vnet as the Application gateway
- On the API management site I have configured an API to send a mock response and its configured as a normal GET request to path "/". Do I need to configure anything else on the API management side also ?
- I am doing this for testing purposes so I kept the protocol as HTTP. Do I still need certificates to configure the custom domain names or will the private IP of API management work ?
Upon doing a GET request on the front end IP of gateway it is giving me 5** error.
Help please.