Ever since last night I get an error when deploying my web app to azure using Terraform:
Error creating/updating App Service Plan "test-euw-asp" (Resource Group "test-middle-euw-rg"): web.AppServicePlansClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="LinkedInvalidPropertyId" Message="Property id '' at path 'properties.hostingEnvironmentProfile.id' is invalid. Expect fully qualified resource Id that start with '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}' or '/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/'."
Looks like it is sending an empty "id" in the "hostingEnvironmentProfile" object.
2020-02-25T15:31:56.0433755Z 2020-02-25T15:31:56.041Z [DEBUG] plugin.terraform-provider-azurerm_v1.44.0_x4.exe: {"kind":"Windows","location":"westeurope","properties":{"hostingEnvironmentProfile":{"id":""},"perSiteScaling":false,"maximumElasticWorkerCount":1,"reserved":false,"isXenon":false},"sku":{"name":"S1","tier":"standard","size":"S1","capacity":1},"tags":{}}
I did set the provider version to 1.44.0
provider "azurerm" {
version = "~>1.44.0"
My terraform configuration
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
name = var.ResourceGroupNameApp
location = "West europe"
resource "azurerm_app_service_plan" "asp" {
name = var.asp-name
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
kind = "Windows"
sku {
size = var.asp-sku-size
tier = var.asp-sku-tier
I'm not using the hosting environment anywhere. Anyone having the same issue? I did submit a support ticket on the Terraform github: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-azurerm/issues/5884
But does anyone know a work-around?
kind = "Windows"
? it shouldn't be needed – 4c74356b41