According to the relevant documentation, one must pre-process a file that is external to the chart into a means that can be provided via --set
or --values
, since .Files.Get
cannot read file paths that are external to the chart bundle.
So, given the following example template templates/secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
dbcacertificate: {{ .Values.dbcacertificate | b64enc }}
one can use shell interpolation as:
helm template --set dbcacertificate="$(cat ./server.crt)" .
or, if shell interpolation is not suitable for your circumstances, you can pre-process the certificate into a yaml compatible format and feed it in via --values
$ { echo "dbcacertificate: |"; sed -e 's/^/ /' server.crt; } > ca-cert.yaml
$ helm template --values ./ca-cert.yaml .