
Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/03C7127E-F14D-44C0-8EF9-527AC6FDFCDF/Runner.app/Runner Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/03C7127E-F14D-44C0-8EF9-527AC6FDFCDF/Runner.app/Frameworks/FBLPromises.framework/FBLPromises: code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/03C7127E-F14D-44C0-8EF9-527AC6FDFCDF/Runner.app/Frameworks/FBLPromises.framework/FBLPromises'

/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/03C7127E-F14D-44C0-8EF9-527AC6FDFCDF/Runner.app/Frameworks/FBLPromises.framework/FBLPromises: stat() failed with errno=1 (lldb)

hi. can you provide details on how you encounter this problem or what you did that led you to this issue?kenmistry
Hello, I'm trying to run my flutter code on iOS using XCode. the application was succesfully build on iOS Simulator. But, when i'm trying to install it on my device, i'm receiving this error and my app is stopped on splash screenSagar
i saw an invalid code signature as above. did you add and register your ios device through App Store Connect? can you check to see if it is still valid?kenmistry

1 Answers


Try my solution to that problem, nothing was working until I got it like this:
