When i use a loop controller to go through my results from regex extractor, it stops working when i include a http request inside the loop controller.
Regex extractor format (will output multiple results with multiple groups each)
name of created variable - pageDetails
Template: blank
Match no -1
After that i initialized a loop controller (with a counter) to go through all the results of this regex
The counter is as follows
Starting value =1
Increment =1
Maximum value =${pageDetails_matchNr}
Reference Name =pageDetailsIndex
I have a debug sampler in the loop thats using the counter
${__evalVar(pageDetails_${pageDetailsIndex}_g1)} ${__evalVar(pageDetails_${pageDetailsIndex}_g2)}
Also have http request in the loop thats using the counter
If i disable the httprequest in the loop controller, the debug sampler works, and prints out all the values
However, if i enable the http request, BOTH the debug sampler and http request only work in the first iteration works i.e. when ${pageDetailsIndex} = 1. When its above 1 then ${__evalVar(pageDetails_${pageDetailsIndex}_g1)} etc. all return blanks...