
I am trying explore on Azure IOT Central rest apis. IOT Central REST Ref

But when i try to invoke any api, it throws below error,

  "error": {
    "code": "InvalidRequest",
    "message": "This API cannot be called for the application seciotcentral.azureiotcentral.com. If you contact support, please include the following information. Request ID: 8yb2u4iz, Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2020 12:53:21 GMT.",
    "requestId": "8yb2u4iz",
    "time": "Mon, 24 Feb 2020 12:53:21 GMT"


I tried with different API endpoint, but am getting same error, 'https://seciotcentral.azureiotcentral.com/api/preview/devices'

I created API token from administrator page in IOT Central, It is not authorization related issue since i got 400 bad request error.

Please help me to fix it.

Please include the entire request, what was the URL that you used. What were the headers (did you include the API token?) Are you using a legacy Central app or the new Preview Central app?Matthijs van der Veer
modified with additional infoRaj

1 Answers


It looks like your IoTC App has been a legacy application, see the following screen snippet, where rk2018iotcentral is a legacy app. enter image description here

when I called your demoiotcentral application, the Unauthenticated error showup:

enter image description here

Did you recently changed it?