I am very new to Java script module constructs as well as to Typescript.
I am trying to import an namespace and all the exported members under that.
Typescript i am trying to refer/import from my file is https://github.com/agea/CmisJS/blob/master/src/cmis.ts
In this ts file a namespace called "cmis" is exported like this
export namespace cmis {
I am trying to refer/import this in another file same as in https://github.com/agea/CmisJS/blob/master/src/cmis.spec.ts
like this import { cmis } from 'cmis';
I did all the dependency resolution in npm and design time dependency in Visual Studio code is working fine.
My package.json
"title": "sdm-nodejsclient",
"name": "cmsdm-nodejsclientis",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "a CMIS client library written in Typescript for node and the browser",
"author": {
"name": "Saurav Sarkar",
"email": "[email protected]"
"dependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^25.1.3",
"@types/node": "^13.7.4",
"chai": "^4.2.0",
"cmis": "~1.0.2",
"cross-fetch": "~1.1.1",
"es6-promise": "~4.2.4",
"isomorphic-base64": "~1.0.2",
"isomorphic-form-data": "~1.0.0",
"jest": "^25.1.0",
"mocha": "^7.0.1",
"ts-jest": "^25.2.1",
"url-search-params-polyfill": "~2.0.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/chai": "~4.1.2",
"@types/mocha": "~2.2.48",
"@types/node": "~8.5.2",
"chai": "~4.1.2",
"cmis": "~1.0.2",
"mocha": "~5.0.0",
"ts-loader": "~2.0.3",
"ts-node": "~3.0.6",
"typedoc": "~0.10.0",
"typescript": "~2.7.1",
"uglify-js": "~3.3.7",
"uglifyjs-webpack-plugin": "~1.1.8",
"webpack": "~3.10.0"
But whenever i try to run the same code, it is failing with TypeError: Cannot read property 'CmisSession' of undefined at
let session = new cmis.CmisSession(url);
index.d.ts in the source library
export * from './src/cmis';
So ,node runtime is not able to resolve the cmis namespace imported and vClearly seems to be runtime dependency issue.
Best Regards, Saurav