I am using formik in my react application. I have initialized all the form values from a state. But I wanted to update a specific form field if props in the redux store change. Below is my formik form:
onSubmit={this.formSubmit} >
{({ values, setFieldValue }) => (
<Form >
<Col lg="12">
<FormGroup className="col-6">
<Input type="select" value={values.StateId} name="StateId" onChange={this.handleChange(setFieldValue)}>
<option value='' >Select State</option>
{this.props.stateList && this.props.stateList.map((item, i) => (
<option key={i} value={item.StateId}>
{this.validator.message('state', values.StateId, 'required')}
<Label className="impo_label">Select State</Label>
<FormGroup className="col-6">
<Field className="form-control" name="GstNo" type="text" maxLength="15" />
<Label className="impo_label">GST No</Label>
{this.validator.message('gst no', values.GstNo, 'required|min:15|max:15')}
Now, When I change state from the dropdown, an api will get invoke which will return gst no by state id. I want to update the gst no field with the value recieved from the api in the props. If the gst no received is null then I want user to input the gst no, but if gst no is recieved from the api, I want to update the gst no field in form with the value received in props and disable the form input. I cannot update the gstno in this.state.branchData as this will reset the form values with values in this.state.branchData.
Does anyone have any idea about how to achieve this in formik?