
AWS themselves mention that it's important to lock the API version you use to prevent any unexpected changes to API from breaking your code (see Locking API Versions).

However, I can't seem to find the latest API version for AWS Lambda. I want to pass this to AWS Boto3 (docs here). Where do I find the latest API version?


2 Answers


The page you referenced says:

Getting API Versions
To get the API version for a service, see the Locking the API Version section on the service's reference page, such as https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/S3.html for Amazon S3.

Therefore, the API version for Lambda can be found on:



AWS's docs are terrible about including info for previous versions, or even what versions exist, or at least it sure seems that way for the AWS RDS API anyways.

This site seems to be the best way to find info about versions of the different AWS APIs:

Sadly, that site's home page doesn't seem to include anyway to filter for a specific service.

Thankfully, it does seem like you can do it 'manually':

  1. Open AWS API Changes in your browser.
  2. Perform an in-page search (via your browser) for the relevant service, e.g. "RDS".
  3. Click on the header for any 'changes entry' for the relevant service. [Here is an example change entry for RDS.]
  4. On the changes entry details page, there should be 'breadcrumb' links at the top, ex. "API Changes / Services / Amazon Relational Database Service / 2021-09-10".
  5. Click the breadcrumb link for the service, e.g. "Amazon Relational Database Service".

Example for RDS API changes: