
I would like to automate Labels creation at the end of the Prod stage in our release pipeline. I would like to have a Label every time we publish onto production in case we have to make a hotfix but programmers don't always remember to do it.

We use Azure DevOps, TFVC repo. VS 2019, C#.

I looked at Azure CLI and Command Line Script tasks with the "label" command, but it doesn't seems to work. The task runs, but no labels are created.

Azure CLI code I tried

Could you tell me, please, how to do this? I know it is possible to create Labels on every successful build in the Build Pipeline, but I think I would end up with too much useless labels.

did you solve this? I want to do the same thing.David Christopher Reynolds
Hi did you get a solution for this? If yes, please do share.Raji

1 Answers


In your pipeline go to the Get Sources task:

enter image description here

Then, if you are using TFVC, you will see an option at the bottom to create a label:

enter image description here

This then appears in the labels: enter image description here