So I'm writing an Input handler in C++ (and GLFW, but that doesn't matter), and one function that is not implemented in the header drop this error:
1>Input.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class Input Input::instance" (?instance@Input@@0V1@A)
It is called like this in Application.cpp:
And the implementation is like this:
//Some includes
class Input
static Input& GetInstance();
//some other non-static stuff
And the implementation in Input.cpp:
Input& Input::GetInstance()
return instance;
is a static member of Input.
I have glew, and glfw libs and includes in a folder called Dependencies in the solution directory. I included it in project properties, under C/C++\General\Additional Include Directories, and I also added $(SolutionDir)src, because I've placed every source file under src.
I then linked them, under Linker\General\Additional Library Directories, I added the location of the lib files, and under Linker\Input, I've added glfw3.lib, opengl32.lib, and glew3s.lib to the Additional Dependencies, and finally, added the GLEW_STATIC preprocessor definition. These are the only changes I've made in the project properties, and I use Debug, x86 configuration. The link to the source code:
Edit: for any future readers: my problem was that I had to write
Input Input::instance;
somewhere in the code, in a cpp file, because instance is a static member of Input class. So, if you have a similar problem, make sure to check if you have static variables and if you have initialized them like this!