I am trying to create a composite component in JSF Facelets 1.2.8. The component is supposed to be a table optimised to work with the jquery jstree framework for presenting a table as a directory tree.
The component is supposed to accept an attribute containing a xml value, which represents the structure of the tree. In Order to prepare the component for the presentation as file tree I want to parse the xml data in the components xhtml file.
For this I want to use the JSTL-XML-Taglibrary but it seems like it cant be found. This is how my namespace declaration looks like:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
The core-tag library can be used but every tag from the xml-library is adopted as plain text into the html source.
I tried following:
- Changing the namespace declarations between jstl 1 and jstl 1.2 (insert additional /jsp/ in path)
- javax.servlet.jstl 1.2 is imported via maven
- I added xercesImpl.jar and xalan.jar in the lib directory of my tomcat installation (v. 7.0.68)
I have no clue why the core-library is working but the xml-library doesn't. Is there something I am doing wrong? Is it even possible to use JSTL-XML in Facelets?
Thanks in advance Demli