
I have a pubsub topic name


and I also have a subscription on that topic. and then I have a cloud function name Sandbox_function which triggers with a publish on that topic.

I have a python code where I am publishing the data to this topic via a mosquitto broker


Its working perfectly fine and I am receiving data in the cloud function as well as in the subscription.

Now I created another topic name


and then subscription and another cloud function called Pairing_Function Now when I publish my data on


Instead of getting that data in Pairing_Function I am getting the data in Sandbox_Function as a subFolder Pairing and also in Sandbox_Subscription instead of Pairing subscription.

What i am doing wrong here? and how can i get data into different topics? thanks a lot!


1 Answers


I found it that we need to define the topics in the registry too.

(see: IoT core -> Registry Edit -> Add more telemetry topics)

We need to redirect the subFolder to specific topics