I want to map over Applicative form.
The type of map-like function would be like below:
mapX :: (Applicative f) => (f a -> f b) -> f [a] -> f [b]
used as:
result :: (Applicative f) => f [b]
result = mapX f xs
where f :: f a -> f b
f = ...
xs :: f[a]
xs = ...
As the background of this post, I try to write fluid simulation program using Applicative style referring to Paul Haduk's "The Haskell School of Expression", and I want to express the simulation with Applicative style as below:
x, v, a :: Sim VArray
x = x0 +: integral (v * dt)
v = v0 +: integral (a * dt)
a = (...calculate acceleration with x v...)
instance Applicative Sim where
where Sim type means the process of simulation computation and VArray means Array of Vector (x,y,z). X, v a are the arrays of position, velocity and acceleration, respectively.
Mapping over Applicative form comes when definining a.
I've found one answer to my question.
After all, my question is "How to lift high-order functions (like map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]) to the Applicative world?" and the answer I've found is "To build them using lifted first-order functions."
For example, the "mapX" is defined with lifted first-order functions (headA, tailA, consA, nullA, condA) as below:
mapX :: (f a -> f b) -> f [a] -> f [b]
mapX f xs0 = condA (nullA xs0) (pure []) (consA (f x) (mapA f xs))
x = headA xs0
xs = tailA xs0
headA = liftA head
tailA = liftA tail
consA = liftA2 (:)
nullA = liftA null
condA b t e = liftA3 aux b t e
where aux b t e = if b then t else e
f :: f a -> f b
(notf :: (f a -> f b) -> f [a] -> f [b]
) in your first block of code? Or am I misunderstanding something? – Antal Spector-Zabuskya
would look like by the way? I'd think you could do it in a way that didn't requiremapX
. – sclv