I have two target_groups - one for port 80 and another for 443. Also have two instances as the members (of that NLB) and I need to attach both of the target groups to each instance. So this is how I have configured, to attach:
// Creates the target-group
resource "aws_lb_target_group" "nlb_target_groups" {
for_each = {
for lx in var.nlb_listeners : "${lx.protocol}:${lx.target_port}" => lx
name = "${var.vpc_names[var.idx]}-tgr-${each.value.target_port}"
deregistration_delay = var.deregistration_delay
port = each.value.target_port
protocol = each.value.protocol
vpc_id = var.vpc_ids[var.idx]
proxy_protocol_v2 = true
health_check {
port = each.value.health_port
protocol = each.value.protocol
interval = var.health_check_interval
healthy_threshold = var.healthy_threshold
unhealthy_threshold = var.unhealthy_threshold
// Attach the target groups to the instance(s)
resource "aws_lb_target_group_attachment" "tgr_attachment" {
for_each = {
for pair in setproduct(keys(aws_lb_target_group.nlb_target_groups), var.nlb_members.ids) : "${pair[0]}:${pair[1]}" => {
target_group = aws_lb_target_group.nlb_target_groups[pair[0]]
instance_id = pair[1]
target_group_arn = each.value.target_group.arn
target_id = each.value.instance_id
port = each.value.target_group.port
#target_id = [for tid in range(var.inst_count) : data.aws_instances.nlb_insts.ids[tid]]
where var.nlb_listeners
is defined like this:
nlb_listeners = [
protocol = "TCP"
target_port = "80"
health_port = "1936"
protocol = "TCP"
target_port = "443"
health_port = "1936"
and var.elb_members.ids
is like this:
"ids" = [
but I’m getting Invalid for_each argument error:
Error: Invalid for_each argument
on ../../modules/elb/balencer.tf line 46, in resource "aws_lb_target_group_attachment" "tgr_attachment": 46: for_each = { 47: for pair in setproduct(keys(aws_lb_target_group.nlb_target_groups), var.elb_members.ids) : "${pair[0]}:${pair[1]}" => { 48:
target_group = aws_lb_target_group.nlb_target_groups[pair[0]] 49:
instance_id = pair[1] 50: } 51: }The "for_each" value depends on resource attributes that cannot be determined until apply, so Terraform cannot predict how many instances will be created. To work around this, use the -target argument to first apply only the resources that the for_each depends on.
I cannot figure out why it’s either invalid or how this for_each cannot determine the values. Any idea what’s am I doing wrong here? Seriously got stuck in the middle and would really appreciate any help to put me to the right direction.
=== Update: 02/23 ==========
I think I understand what you said but it seems give me the same error even for the instances that already exist. Anyway, this is my aws_instance
resource "aws_instance" "inst" {
count = var.inst_count
instance_type = var.inst_type
depends_on = [aws_subnet.snets]
ami = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
# the VPC subnet
subnet_id = element(aws_subnet.snets.*.id, count.index)
vpc_security_group_ids = [var.sg_default[var.idx], aws_security_group.secg.id]
user_data = <<-EOF
hostnamectl set-hostname ${var.vpc_names[var.idx]}${var.inst_role}0${count.index + 1}
# Disable apt-daily.service & wait until `apt updated` has been killed
systemctl stop apt-daily.service && systemctl kill --kill-who=all apt-daily.service
while ! (systemctl list-units --all apt-daily.service | egrep -q '(dead|failed)')
do sleep 1; done
# the public SSH key
key_name = var.key_info
tags = merge(
{ "Name" = "${var.vpc_names[var.idx]}${var.inst_role}0${count.index + 1}" }
Anything else you think can be done to get around that issue?