I am using Lucene.NET 2.9 with one of my projects. I am using Lucene to create indexes for documents and search on those documents. A field in my document is text heavy and I have stored that into my MS SQL Database. So basically I search via lucene on its indexes and then fetch complete documents from MS SQL database.
The problem I am facing is that I want to highlight my search query terms in results. For that I am using FastVectorHighlighter. Now this particular highlighter required Lucence DocId and field to highlight fields. The problem is that this particular text heavy field since is not stored in lucene database, is not highlighted in my search results.
Any suggestion on how to accomplish same. I either add the same field to my lucene database. It will resolve the problem but would make my database very heavy. Secondly if there is some alternative method to highlight the text it will give me very high flexibility.
Thank you for reading question, Naveen