I'm trying to configure a spring cloud gateway, (on top of project Reactor) to serve HTTPS across two domains.
However it appears that it is unable to use SNI to choose the correct certificate to show to the client.
My configuration is as follows:
I've generated two different private key/ certs and both of those are stored in keystore.jks
both of them have different CommonNames and they also have Subject Alternative Names that match the expected domains.
I've entered the common name into my hosts files. To fool browser/curl into thinking that its two seperate domains.
I've configured application.yml as follows
enabled: true
# The entire purpose of this project is so that client authentication is needed
client-auth: need
profiles: development
key-store: config/keystore.jks
trust-store: config/truststore.jks
The purpose of this is to enable 2 way ssl authentication with two different clients both of whom issue us with their own certificates.
I know netty which is the foundation for spring cloud gateway supports SNI. Is there any way to configure SNI for spring cloud gateway?