
Hello all (Sorry for my english). I want to filter by some columns when i add a Sales Order Line (Detail) to my Sales Order. Look the next image. Red: When i enter text i want to filter by two columns, in this example for Description and Type. Green: The first line must be the one that the filter return me because is "Case Labor" on Description column and "Labor" on Type column. enter image description here

It's an example of how i need to filter mi Inventorys Items on Sales Order Lines.

@Alan the platform is built on ASP.Net Framework and requires development using C# and ASPX.Hugues Beauséjour

1 Answers


You can add filtering to other columns using the FastFilterFields property as explained in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47076876/7376238

Besides that most behaviors of the selector dialog is not customizable.

To implement custom filter behavior you would have to implement a smart panel dialog:


Reference: https://help-2019r2.acumatica.com/Help?ScreenId=ShowWiki&pageid=2fe4a5bb-c249-4d30-b117-af8d1671a589