Running Kafka Connect on a Kafka cluster which has auto creation of topics turned off. As far as I could see on another cluster that is working we had the topics connect-configs, connect-offsets, and connect-status created. So these topics were recreated on the new cluster with same replication factor and partitions.
We are getting an error when starting the service though I have netcat from connect instance to brokers and there was no connection issue there
Could not look up partition metadata for offset backing store topic in allotted period. This could indicate a connectivity issue, unavailable topic partitions, or if this is your first use of the topic it may have taken too long to create
I can see where this is thrown below from the connect utils class. But have checked and these topics are created so a bit lost now
producer = createProducer();
consumer = createConsumer();
List<TopicPartition> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
// We expect that the topics will have been created either manually by the user or automatically by the herder
List<PartitionInfo> partitionInfos = null;
long started = time.milliseconds();
while (partitionInfos == null && time.milliseconds() - started < CREATE_TOPIC_TIMEOUT_MS) {
partitionInfos = consumer.partitionsFor(topic);
Utils.sleep(Math.min(time.milliseconds() - started, 1000));
if (partitionInfos == null)
throw new ConnectException("Could not look up partition metadata for offset backing store topic in" +
" allotted period. This could indicate a connectivity issue, unavailable topic partitions, or if" +
" this is your first use of the topic it may have taken too long to create