I'm trying to change the active tab of a bootstrap-vue b-tabs when the tab title is hovered over, not only when clicked on. I'm having trouble isolating this event.
In the following Codepen example, I can isolate the event when the image is being hovered over, however I want to isolate the event when the title ('Tubes and Vials' for example) is being hovered over.
I'm fairly new to Vue so I apologize if this is a simple answer, but I haven't struggled with this for a while now and haven't been able to figure this out. Thanks!
Component File
<b-container class="px-3" fluid>
<h3>Range Of Glass Products We Inspect</h3>
<p>Anything formed from tubular glass</p>
<b-tabs content-class="mt-3" align="left" class="vial-types" vertical>
v-for="glassItem in productRange"
alt="Factory Image">
export default {
name: "ProductRange",
data() {
return {
productRange: [
{type: "Screw & Flanged Head", image:"https://picsum.photos/600/400/", hover: false},
{type: "Tubes and Vials", image:"https://picsum.photos/600/400/", hover: false},
{type: "Pipettes, Syringes, Filling Needles", image:"https://picsum.photos/400/400/",hover: false},
{type: "Ampoules", image:"https://picsum.photos/600/400/", hover: false},
{type: "Custom Geometries Per Customer Specification", image:"https://picsum.photos/600/400/", hover: false}
methods: {
greet: function () {
<style lang="sass">