
I need to create an Aggregate report under a thread group with the thread group name. For Ex: If my thread group name is LoginThreadgroup I need to create an Aggregate report file, View Result Tree file name with LoginThreadgroup.jtl LoginThreadgroup_VRT.jtl

I tried to use -${__BeanShell(ctx.getThreadGroup().getName())}.jtl and ${__threadGroupName}_ViewResultsTree_Failure_report.jtl

ETC but both dint work out well in my case.

I have many thread groups under test tree, for each, I would like to create jtl files with the respective thread group name. Can anyone help me in this


1 Answers


I don't think you can use JMeter Functions and/or Variables in "Filename" field of a Listener

In general using Listeners is not the best idea as they don't add any value and simply consume CPU, RAM and Disk resources.

I would rather suggest

  1. Adding __threadGroupName() function as a prefix/postfix to your Samplers labels
  2. If you want separate results for different Thread Groups you can use Filter Results Tool to extract Thread-Group-specific entries from the .jtl results file
  3. Aggregate Report can be generated using JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool