I have implemented a file upload for images using ASP.NET Mvc 3 and the Microsoft.Web.Helpers NuGet package. The implementation is quit simple as it allows you to browse for a file and upload it to a specified directory.
Here is what I have for my image upload solution using ASP.NET MVC 3 and the Microsoft.Web.Helpers NuGet plugin.
Now the ViewModel code
namespace MvcImageUpload.Models {
public class ImageUploadViewModel {
public string ImageUrl { get; set; }
public string ImageAltText { get; set; }
Now for the controller I've simply dropped this into the Home controller, since this is just a mock project to get it working. I just added an ActionResult
which takes an ImageUploadViewModel as a parameter.
public ActionResult Upload(ImageUploadViewModel model) {
var image = WebImage.GetImageFromRequest();
if (image != null) {
if (image.Width > 500) {
image.Resize(500, ((500 * image.Height) / image.Width));
var filename = Path.GetFileName(image.FileName);
image.Save(Path.Combine("../Uploads/Images", filename));
filename = Path.Combine("~/Uploads/Images", filename);
model.ImageUrl = Url.Content(filename);
model.ImageAltText = image.FileName.Substring(0, image.FileName.Length - 4);
return View("Index", model);
My view for the uploading of images is simple, it has an Html.BeginForm, which handles the Post form method and has the encoding type set to be "multipart/form-data".
Then using The Microsoft.Web.Helpers.FileUpload helper, I request an image from the HTTP post and then display it using a custom DisplayFor template, called ImageViewer.
@model MvcImageUpload.Models.ImageUploadViewModel
@using Microsoft.Web.Helpers;
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
<h2>Image Uploader</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("Upload", "Home", FormMethod.Post,
new { @encType = "multipart/form-data" })) {
@FileUpload.GetHtml(initialNumberOfFiles: 1, allowMoreFilesToBeAdded: false,
includeFormTag: false, addText: "Add Files", uploadText: "Upload File") <br />
<input type="submit" name="submit"
value="Upload Image" text="Upload Images"
style="font-size: .9em;" />
@Html.DisplayFor(x => x, "ImageViewer")<br />
Here is what the custom DisplayTemplate looks like
@model MvcImageUpload.Models.ImageUploadViewModel
@if (Model != null) {
<h4 style="color:Green;">Upload Success!</h4>
Alt Text has been set to <strong>@Model.ImageAltText</strong>
<img style="padding: 20px;"
src="@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ImageUrl) ? "" : Model.ImageUrl)"
id="uploadedImage" alt="@Model.ImageAltText"/>
This all works and the image gets successfully uploaded to the /Uploads/Images/FileName.extension on the form post.
My question
How can I now have another view to display all the images in that directory, paged and be able to select and delete and image, from the view and the directory?
Also I know the Microsoft.Web.Helpers.FileUpload, supports uploading of multiple files, but I can't find how to implement this with my current solution. Any help would be greatly appriceated.