
I created Spring boot + angular 8 application which was running succesfully in two different port like 8080 and 4200 without any issues. Then I decided to run the application in same port (8080). I ran ng build --prod and got the dist folder. Moved that Dist folder into the spring application and the folder looked like this image

Spring boot application with Angular Dist folder

The corresponding pom.xml is as follows

                  <outputDirectory>${project.build.directory}/target/classes/static/</outputDirectory >
                          <directory>${project.build.directory}/fleetManagement/dist/fleetManagement</directory >

When I ran the aplication and hit http://localhost:8080 - it goes to HTTP Status 404 – Not Found but the api's are still running , like http://localhost:8080/api/vehicles - provide json data from backend

My application.properties file as follows,

stackoverflow.com/questions/55848395/… this might be related to your question.Penguin74
do you have the properties server.servlet.context-path=??? in your application.properties ?RUARO Thibault
Possible replica of the same stackoverflow.com/questions/53058824/…Tushar Jajodia
@RUAROThibault, yeah , I havenewAngs

1 Answers


What is happening

When deploying your application and copying your ressources inside the src/main/ressources folder, you then expect Spring to render the front app for you. But Spring is a server, and as a server, it serves you given the configuration you gave him.

By using server.servlet.context-path=/api, you tell Spring : Everything will be prefixed by "/api"... Therefor, if you try requesting : http://localhost:8080/, Spring will tell you it knows nothing about such a URL, because for him, everything is supposed to be prefixed by /api...

So naturally, you would say : Then, let's access http://localhost:8080/api. But it is not that easy... I don't know yet exactly what is going on, but I guess you have index.html file inside your src/main/resources or src/main/resources/public... and when you try to access http://localhost:8080/api it will try to lookup for a file index.html inside src/main/resources/{public}/api/index.html... And it doesn't find any. Hence the exception.

Temporary solution

I've faced a similar issue with VueJS and Spring Boot. Without loosing too much time, my solution was to remove the properties server.servlet.context-path=/api and manually prefixing my controller with the annotation @RequestMapping.

public class MyController {

It should do the trick, but I am not a big fan.