
when I tried to plot a graph of decision boundary in R, I met some problem and it returned a error "Continuous value supplied to discrete scale". I think the problem happened in the scale_colur_manual but I don't know how to fix it. Below is the code attached.

split = sample.split(df$Purchased,SplitRatio = 0.75)
training_set = subset(df,split==TRUE)
test_set = subset(df,split==FALSE)

# Feature Scaling
training_set[,1:2] = scale(training_set[,1:2])
test_set[,1:2] = scale(test_set[,1:2])

# Fitting logistic regression to the training set
lr = glm(formula = Purchased ~ .,
         family = binomial,
         data = training_set)

 #Predicting the test set results
 prob_pred = predict(lr,type = 'response',newdata = test_set[-3])
 y_pred = ifelse(prob_pred > 0.5, 1, 0)

 #Making the Confusion Matrix
 cm = table(test_set[,3],y_pred)

 #Visualizing the training set results

 set = training_set

 X1 = seq(min(set[, 1]) - 1, max(set[, 1]) + 1, by = 0.01)

 X2 = seq(min(set[, 2]) - 1, max(set[, 2]) + 1, by = 0.01)

 grid_set = expand.grid(X1, X2)

 colnames(grid_set) = c('Age', 'EstimatedSalary')

 prob_set = predict(lr, type = 'response', newdata = grid_set)

 y_grid = ifelse(prob_set > 0.5, 1,0)

 ggplot(grid_set) +

       geom_tile(aes(x = Age, y = EstimatedSalary, fill = factor(y_grid)),

       show.legend = F) +

 geom_point(data = set, aes(x = Age, y = EstimatedSalary, color = Purchased),

         show.legend = F) +

 scale_fill_manual(values = c("orange", "springgreen3")) +

 scale_colour_manual(values = c("red3", "green4")) +

 scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(floor(min(X1)), ceiling(max(X2)), by = 1)) +

 labs(title = "Logistic Regression (Training set)",

      ylab = "Estimated Salary", xlab = "Age")
It's easier to help you if you include a simple reproducible example with sample input that can be used to test and verify possible solutions. Remove any code not directly necessary to reproduce the problem.MrFlick
Your error is not from scale_color_manual but rather in the scale_x_continuous. If I have to guess, I will say that either your variable "Age" is not in a numerical format or your X1 and X2 are not in numerical format either (but I'm guessing on the first option). As asked by MrFlick, you should provide a reproducible example of your dataset.dc37

1 Answers


Is your Purchased variable a factor? If not, it has to be. Try this:

grid_set %>%
   mutate(Purchased=factor(Purchased)) %>%
   ggplot() + 
   geom_tile(aes(x = Age, y = EstimatedSalary, fill = factor(y_grid)),
       show.legend = F) + ... # add the rest of your commands.