I am trying to create a map of all school districts in each state. The code below works for all states, except in Florida I get this error: Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 67, 121
temp <- tempfile() ### create a temporary file to download zip file to
temp2 <- tempfile() ### create a temporary file to put unzipped files in
download.file("https://s3.amazonaws.com/data.edbuild.org/public/Processed+Data/SD+shapes/2018/shapefile_1718.zip", temp) # downloading the data into the tempfile
unzip(zipfile = temp, exdir = temp2) # unzipping the temp file and putting unzipped data in temp2
filename <- list.files(temp2, full.names = TRUE) # getting the filename of the downloaded data
shp_file <- filename %>%
subset(grepl("*.shp$", filename)) ## selecting only the .shp file to read in
state_shape <- sf::st_read(shp_file) %>% ## reading in the downloaded data
dplyr::mutate(GEOID = as.character(GEOID),
GEOID = stringr::str_pad(GEOID, width = 7, pad = "0")) %>%
filter(State == "Florida")
url = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/data.edbuild.org/public/Processed+Data/Master/2017/full_data_17_geo_exc.csv"
master <- read.csv(file = url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::mutate(NCESID = as.character(NCESID),
NCESID = stringr::str_pad(NCESID, width = 7, pad = "0"),
year = "2017") %>%
dplyr::select(-NAME, -State, -STATE_FIPS) ## removing variables that duplicate with shapes
state_shape <- state_shape %>%
dplyr::left_join(master, by = c("GEOID" = "NCESID")) %>%
select(GEOID, NAME, State, StPovRate)
shape.clean <- lwgeom::st_make_valid(state_shape) # making all geometries valid
povertyBlues <- c('#dff3fe', '#92DCF0', '#49B4D6', '#2586a5', '#19596d')
map <- tm_shape(shape.clean) +
tm_fill("StPovRate", breaks=c(0, .1, .2, .3, .4, 1), title = "Student Poverty",
palette = povertyBlues,
legend.format=list(fun=function(x) paste0(formatC(x*100, digits=0, format="f"), " %"))) +
tm_shape(shape.clean) +
tm_borders(lwd=.25, col = "#e9e9e9", alpha = 1) +
tm_layout(inner.margins = c(.05,.25,.1,.05))
map ### view the map
The length of the tm_shape$shp and state_shape are both 67. Does anyone know what could be causing the "arguments imply differing number of rows: 67, 121"?
, which I believe your data containingStPovRate
. Please provide this data. Otherwise, nobody can replicate your situation and think how to help you. – jazzurrolwgeom::st_make_valid()
. However: the downloaded file (which is 28 mb for anyone trying on a weak connection) does not contain "StPovRate" field. – Jindra Lacko