I have an analyzer with this configuration,
.analyzerDef(BaseEntity.CUSTOM_SEARCH_INDEX_ANALYZER, WhitespaceTokenizerFactory.class)//
.filter(NGramFilterFactory.class).param("minGramSize", "1").param("maxGramSize", "200");
This is how my entity field is configured
@Field(analyzer = @Analyzer(definition = CUSTOM_SEARCH_INDEX_ANALYZER))
private String bookName;
This is how I create a search query
I have an entity with value bookName="Gulliver" and another entity with bookName="xGulliver";
If I tried to search with data bookName = xG
then am getting both entities where I would expect entity only with bookName="xGulliver"
Also looked on the query that is produced by hibernate-search.
Executing Lucene query '+(+(+(+( bookName:x bookName:xg bookName:g))))
Above Lucene query is prepared using BooleanJunction::must
conditions by Lucene I guess which means it should match all the conditions.
Still why its giving me both entity data. I dont understand here.
I can also override the analyzer while querying by having KeywordTokenizer instead of NGramFilterFactory but this is like I have to override for each and every field before creating QueryBuilder which doesnt looks good because then I have to override all index fields which I have about 100 fields and some are dynamic fields and I create individual query for each field.
Is there any other way to override the analyzer in 5.11 version or is it handled in some other way in hibernate-search 6.x version in easier way?
Hibernate versions that I use are,
hibernate-search-elasticsearch, hibernate-search-orm = 5.11.4.Final